Issued by DFO
Notice to Fish Harvesters
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW43, GX43, GY43 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HD32, HD33, HD34, HE32, HE33, HE34, HE37, HE38, HE39, HF32, HF33, HF34, HF37, HF38, HF39, HG38, HG39
June 1, 2023 – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is providing notice of grid status updates related to North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW). The information presented herein is consistent with the 2023 NARW management measures previously announced by DFO.
All times listed in this document are in Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT).